As new versions are coming in, the manufacturer of Aakash PCs, Datawind said, “It will clear all backlog of paid orders for the commercial version of tablet within next six weeks” Datawind has already received 40 lakh orders for its Ubislat tablet PC whose technical specifications are akin to first version of Aakash Tablet. The first version of tablet was powered by 366 Megahertz, 256 MB RAM and 2GB flash memory and had Wi-Fi option for internet connectivity. “Total number of paid customer was around 1 to 1.5 per cent (of the total),” Tuli said. The new version of Ubislate tablet is going to have1 Ghz processor, 512 MB RAM, 4GB flash memory and the best part is you can exchange your older version of Aakash with this new one for just Rs.500 “It is only for those who have ordered in advance. For those who don’t want to shift to other we are supplying them the same product. People who don’t want to wait, we are refunding their money,” he said. The production of SIM based tablets will start within two weeks. Datawind CEO told the media “ that the company is producing and shipping around 2,500 to 3,000 tablets PCs on a daily basis but receiving additional orders every day which is adding to the backlog” He further said that the company is ramping up production to 10,000 units every day. “Right now we are doing 2,500-3,000(units) a day. We are targeting that, by end of the year, around 10,000 (units) on a daily basis. Then we will keep enhancing expanding,” Tuli said.

Aaksah Tablet PC up for Two New Versions - 58Aaksah Tablet PC up for Two New Versions - 30Aaksah Tablet PC up for Two New Versions - 84Aaksah Tablet PC up for Two New Versions - 25Aaksah Tablet PC up for Two New Versions - 30