The company has launched the latest version, 11.3, which enables users to enjoy free bonus features for HD movies, while also extending the option to purchase movies on the Apple TV platform. iTunes Extras for HD movies involves behind the scenes footage, deleted scenes, official galleries and concept art in full-frame HD. The latest version also has a new Scenes feature that simplifies the process for viewers to “flip to your favourite movie moments.” Special editions Best of all, Apple says in a promotional video for the tool, new videos and galleries will be added as they arrive. So if users buy a movie when it comes out, they could see some bonus footage arrive in time as studios prepare special editions and the like. With an expansion to Apple TV, that only leaves iOS as the only platform without access to iTunes Extras, though Apple has promised a roll out with iOS 8 in the fall.  It seems like Apple’s attempts to completely usurp the DVD and Blu-ray disc is gaining momentum again after a few years in the shadows. Also Read: 

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Apple Launches New Version of iTunes  Extra Features of Digital Movies to be The Focus - 62Apple Launches New Version of iTunes  Extra Features of Digital Movies to be The Focus - 43Apple Launches New Version of iTunes  Extra Features of Digital Movies to be The Focus - 93Apple Launches New Version of iTunes  Extra Features of Digital Movies to be The Focus - 34Apple Launches New Version of iTunes  Extra Features of Digital Movies to be The Focus - 85