Interestingly, the May 4th concept of Call of Duty has been designed by Sledgehammer Games. This is the same team which had successfully designed the 2011 Modern Warfare 3 along with Infinity Ward. This time around, Sledgehammer Games has decided to take the plunge alone and is expecting to put up a good show. On its part, Activision too has decided to give three players a chance in framing the Call of Duty series. Sledgehammer, Black Ops creator Treyarch and Infinity Ward would be vying with each other in future to design and put through Call of Duty series. The series which goes by the name of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been set in coming future. The high tech warfare laden series will witness Kevin Spacey take on multiple challenges, even as he emerges victorious in this single player campaign. Keep watching this space as more interesting revelations will be coming soon. Also Read:    

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