No case has been registered yet. “The matter is being investigated by the Cyber Crime Cell,” Mumbai Joint Commissioner of Police Himanshu Roy told The Hindu. These accounts has been created to post offensive remarks and comments about Babasaheb Ambedkar and Bal Thackeray. A request has been sent by Mumbai crime branch to Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) about the fake account so that IP address of the internet could be traced. The accounts had been noticed by MNS members who had brought them to the notice of Thackeray.

Complaint Filed Against Fake Facebook Accounts of Raj Thackery s Kids - 84Complaint Filed Against Fake Facebook Accounts of Raj Thackery s Kids - 15Complaint Filed Against Fake Facebook Accounts of Raj Thackery s Kids - 80Complaint Filed Against Fake Facebook Accounts of Raj Thackery s Kids - 91Complaint Filed Against Fake Facebook Accounts of Raj Thackery s Kids - 23