Samsung has recently unveiled its new flagship android smartphone, Galaxy S5, which is expected to be soon available in the market. The users have still not got the hands on experience of the smartphone, and a concept image for its successor has already appeared online. The concept image of the Samsung Galaxy S6 has been created by HS Design. The smartphone would be having a casing made by a mixture of aluminum and rubber matte plastic. The edges will be surrounded by the plastic, and it would not be so rounded, according to Concept Phones. The S6 smartphone would be equipped with a 5-inch screen display having a 2K pixel resolution. The device would also be featuring a 4GB RAM, 21 megapixel camera rear camera, a 6 MP front facing camera for video calls, iris scanner and a 4,000mAh battery. Meanwhile, according to a report by India Times, the availability of the Samsung Galaxy S5 is expected to be postponed as a result of some production glitches. The productivity has also got impacted as a PCB manufacturing plant of Samsung caught fire. Samsung Galaxy S5 is going to have new and exciting features, such as fingerprint and heart sensors, and Android 4.4.2 Kitkat operating system. The smartphone would run on the 64-bit quad core processor from Qualcomm clocked at 2.5 GHz, while it is also going to boast a separate Adreno 330 graphics processor. Samsung Galaxy S5 is scheduled to be launched in more than 150 countries on April 11 2014. However, the launch is expected to be delayed.

First Samsung Galaxy S6 Concept Image Shows Off Aluminum  Rubberized Body - 67First Samsung Galaxy S6 Concept Image Shows Off Aluminum  Rubberized Body - 94First Samsung Galaxy S6 Concept Image Shows Off Aluminum  Rubberized Body - 24First Samsung Galaxy S6 Concept Image Shows Off Aluminum  Rubberized Body - 95First Samsung Galaxy S6 Concept Image Shows Off Aluminum  Rubberized Body - 13