Microsoft is introducing the first-ever 256GB variant of its Surface Pro, on Friday, June 7 to address its problem of storage capacity. But again, the model would be available to consumers in Japan only as suggested by Engadget reports. The Surface Pro 256GB variant is priced at 119,800 yen ($1,175) as compared to the 99,800 yen ($975) 128GB variant in Japan with Office 2013 and a pressure-sensitive pen and another 9,980 yen ($100), 10,980 yen ($110) for Touch Cover and Type Cover respectively. This edition of Surface Pro will be launched in U.S. and other markets eventually to increase Windows 8 flagship slate as reported by TechCrunch. Despite all its strategies, Microsoft has managed to sell a very low number of tablets since its release. But the company is all set to put in more time, energy and money to make it viable for public.

Microsoft Surface Pro Has Not Gone Well The Consumers Would The New Variant Change The Story  - 36Microsoft Surface Pro Has Not Gone Well The Consumers Would The New Variant Change The Story  - 59Microsoft Surface Pro Has Not Gone Well The Consumers Would The New Variant Change The Story  - 14Microsoft Surface Pro Has Not Gone Well The Consumers Would The New Variant Change The Story  - 82Microsoft Surface Pro Has Not Gone Well The Consumers Would The New Variant Change The Story  - 99