Following their own line of thought, the merge of search giant and iOS photo-sharing app was announced in a post by Vic Gandotra, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Google. Here is the link to his post on Google+ Vic welcomed the Nic software and said, “We want to help our users create photos they absolutely love, and in our experience Nik does this better than anyone.” He also mentioned that Google+ now has around 400,000,000 users since its launch 12 months ago. Trying to get one-on-one with Facebook’s social expertise, Snapseed will let users edit pics and add filters. Users can also share photos on Facebook, Flickr or via email, which is same as what Facebook’s Instagram offers. With many digital editing tools, Snapseed is trying to be a success among photo buffs just like Instagram. The app was launched on the iPad in June 2011 and on the iPhone in August the same year. A year later in June, the app bagged around 9 million users on the iPhone. Instagram, on the contrary has around 22.7 million unique visitors per month, up from 16.5 million in just a month. This photo sharing site also got 80 million users in July, growing from 50 million in April this year. In 2011, Apple named Snapseed as app of the year for iPad, though the title of most popular iPhone app went to Instagram. Nik Software is since then working on to make Snapseed a famous app, by reaching out to a wider audience. The firm also launched the software for the Mac OS and for Windows earlier this year. According to the information on company’s site, Nik Software is also working on to launch Snapseed on an Android platform.

Now Create Some Outstanding Photos On Google  With Snapseed - 54Now Create Some Outstanding Photos On Google  With Snapseed - 87Now Create Some Outstanding Photos On Google  With Snapseed - 29Now Create Some Outstanding Photos On Google  With Snapseed - 77Now Create Some Outstanding Photos On Google  With Snapseed - 67