According to the news from International Business Times, the split is related to the unreliability of Foxconn who was held responsible for the eight million returns of iPhone 5 handsets. It was also reported that the manufacturer itself is producing Android handsets to compete against the long rumored Apple iWatch. While Apple’s new supplier still remains unidentified, we can only speculate the dates to revolve around July, before the iOS 7 goes public or October as it would complete one year of the launch of iPad 4 and iPad mini. In the mean time we can check the specs and features it would offer to the world. The iPad mini 2 will be refreshed with a Retina display resolution of 2,048 x 1,536 pixels but with the same 7.9-inch screen and its likely to be the Apple A6X processor, an upgrade over the current model’s A5 System on a Chip; whereas, the iPad 5 may sport the Apple A7 chip with a 33 percent lighter weight than the previous model.

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