In one such news via email, targeted to provide information about Twitter, IFTTT, a two-year-old seed-funded company, announced it was ending support for Twitter triggers, reportedly due to the latter’s new guidelines and policies. This move by IFTTT will surely affect tech community, who rely on the former to collect, save, or automatically act on tweets that would otherwise go unnoticed. As per reported in the VentureBeat, the main reason for the break-off of the deal lies in the details IFTTT sent. Conveying the information via a email to users, Linden Tibbets, CEO, IFTTT wrote, “In recent weeks, Twitter announced policy changes that will affect how applications and users like yourself can interact with Twitter’s data.” He added, “As a result of these changes, on Sept. 27th we will be removing all Twitter Triggers, disabling your ability to push tweets to places like email, Evernote, and Facebook. All Personal and Shared Recipes using a Twitter Trigger will also be removed.” The specific issue, said Tibbets, lies in Twitter’s strict content guidelines. Section 4A of Twitter’s revised API terms on content states that app makers may not export Twitter content “to a datastore as a service or other cloud based service.” However, for IFTTT subscribers, there may be some light at the tunnel’s end. Email sent by Tibbets did leave the door open for some type of resolution. He wrote, “We at IFTTT are big Twitter fans and, like yourself, we’ve gotten a lot of value out of the Recipes that use Twitter Triggers. We’re sad to see them go, but remain excited to build features that work within Twitter’s new policy.” IFTTT is the latest service limped by Twitter’s new API terms. Nevertheless, the stricter guidelines can surely make Twitter lose many of its clients and its functionality in other applications and services as well.

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